SINCE1612=Ginza HUB Brand

HUB is a base.
The focus of movement and interest.

SINCE1612designed as
Ginza HUB Brand
for unceasing Ginza innovation.

Ceaselessly spinning Ginza tradition.
Created through series of innovation.

Ginza brands, entereprises and
SINCE1612 intertwine.
The Ginza innovation fire
burns on.

Logo Origin

1612 is the year Ginza was born.
This is the year silver coin manufacture in Sumpu
was transferred to the nowadays Ginza.

Up to this point and from now on as well.
SINCE - continuing the revolution -
embraces our love for Ginza.

Symbol Origin

Eight-stringed line, depicting Ginza from 1-chome to 8-chome.
The crossing grid, symbol of crossover.

Depicting the Ginza streets from the first to the eighth,
intertwined, and together creating the ninth,
9-chome, (inexistent until now).